What are NATO Articles 4 and 5?

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November 15, 2022

After reports of a missile strike in Poland, there had been speculation the Polish government might invoke Article 4 of the NATO treaty.

Article 4 does not, however, mean that there will be direct pressure to act.

This consultation mechanism has been triggered several times in NATO’s history. For instance, by Turkey one year ago, when Turkish soldiers were killed in an attack from Syria. At that time, NATO decided to consult, but did not take any action.

How does NATO Article 4 differ from Article 5?

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late February, NATO members Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland triggered Article 4. Along with Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, those countries are part of the “eastern flank” of NATO, which has been reinforced with thousands of troops from NATO members.

Article 4 is different from Article 5 of the NATO Charter. The latter lays out the military assistance by the entire alliance, should one of the member states get attacked. The only time that Article 5 was used was in 2001 after the al-Qaeda attacks on the US, which killed more than 3,000 people. They became known as the 9/11 attacks. When the US then attacked Afghanistan, NATO sent a mission alongside.

The NATO treaty only applies to member states. Given that Ukraine is not part of the alliance, it can trigger neither Article 4 nor 5.




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