War in Ukraine: the fact-checked disinformation detected in the EU

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European fact-checkers focused a lot of their efforts in the past days and weeks in detecting and tackling disinformation concerning the situation in Ukraine.

At the beginning of the year, as the crisis was growing in intensity, the spread of false news about Ukraine detected in the EU was still very small. Fact-checkers detected a growth in the first half of February, even if the qualitative and quantitative levels of the disinformation was not alarmingly high.

After the military actions against the whole Ukraine started in the morning of 24 February, though, fact-checkers witnessed the situation changing substantially and the disinformation about the events growing both in quantity and dangerousness.

Here there’s a list – which will be periodically updated – of fact-checking articles that the EDMO’s fact-checking network have published during the crisis.

04.03.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Image of two children saluting Ukrainian soldiers was captured during the present war? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/imagem-de-duas-criancas-a-saudar-soldados-ucranianos-foi-captada-durante-a-presente-guerra
04.03.2022 France, AFP Watch out for this picture of a woman with the Russian flag and a man wearing the Ukranian one, it dates back from 2019 https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324F8K3
04.03.2022 Spain, AFP Factual The photo of a girl wrapped in a blanket was not taken in Ukraine in 2022, but in Pakistan in 2014 https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324F9KB
04.03.2022 Bulgaria, AFP Провери The video does not media faking Ukrainian casualties, it’s from the set of a TV series https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324E6RC
04.03.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Dog fights in Ukraine, come from a Digital Combat Simulator https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/03/vifeo-airfights-russia-ukraine-misinformat
04.03.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Pictures from ukrainian building bombing are real, and not from a gas explosion in 2018 https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/03/ukraine-bombing-apartments-misinformation/
04.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es Disinformation without evidence that Ukraine is developing “US-funded biological weapons” and that this is one of the reasons why Putin has started the war against Ukraine https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220304/ucrania-armas-biologicas-estados-unidos/
04.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of an explosion is not related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and is not current: it is Beirut (Lebanon) in 2020 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220304/video-rusia-ucrania-beirut-libano-explosion/
03.03.2022 Poland, Demagog Ukrainian soldiers dance during the war? The video was recorded before the invasion! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainscy-zolnierze-tancza-w-trakcie-wojny-filmik-nagrano-przed-inwazja/
03.03.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Does Pope Francis offer himself as an “intermediary” for a “peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine”? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/papa-francisco-oferece-se-como-intermediario-para-acordo-de-paz-entre-russia-e-ucrania
03.03.2022 Belgium, Knack No, RTL News did not use a movie scene to illustrate the war in Ukraine https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-nee-rtl-nieuws-plaatste-geen-oud-filmbeeld-bij-bericht-over-de-oorlog-in-oekraine/article-longread-1841967.html
03.03.2022 Croatia, Provera činjenica Misleading posts tie Crvena Zvezda fans’ performance to Ukraine https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D836
03.03.2022 Poland, Demagog Russia is defending itself against Ukraine? This is Russian propaganda! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-broni-sie-przed-ukraina-to-rosyjska-propaganda/
03.03.2022 Poland, Demagog Russia is defending itself against Ukraine? This is Russian propaganda! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-broni-sie-przed-ukraina-to-rosyjska-propaganda/
03.03.2022 Poland, Demagog Russia saved Europe from nuclear contamination? Propaganda fake news! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-uratowala-europe-przed-skazeniem-propagandowy-fake-news/
03.03.2022 Poland, Demagog Ukraine gives friendly welcome to Russian army? The citizens are resisting! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraina-przyjaznie-wita-rosyjskie-wojska-mieszkancy-stawiaja-opor/
03.03.2022 Poland, Demagog In Ukraine there is a war going on. This is not “denazification”! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-ukrainie-trwa-wojna-to-nie-denazyfikacja/
03.03.2022 Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes This video does not show media faking civilian casualties in Ukraine https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D9L3
03.03.2022 Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes Report of Ukrainians tearing down a Hungarian flag is four years old/td> https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D76T
03.03.2022 Slovakia, AFP Fakty This video does not show the fake corpses of Ukrainians, but an environmental protest in Vienna https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D9XT
03.03.2022 Italy, Facta.news This photo does not show the Dynamo Kyiv Football Team in camouflage https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/03/questa-foto-non-mostra-la-squadra-dei-calciatori-dinamo-kiev-in-mimetica/
03.03.2022 Germany, AFP Faktencheck No, this video does not show media staged mass panic in Ukraine https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324882M
03.03.2022 France, AFP No, the German outlet Bild did not publish fake pictures of bombings in Ukraine https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D6ZM
03.03.2022 France, AFP Watch out for these maps pretending to show Russian bombings on ukranian biolabs financed by the US https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D7H7
03.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama The tik tok video about how to use a Russian tank it’s old and not from Ukraine https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/video-bedienung-russischer-panzer/
03.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama This picture doesn’t show the first lady of Ukraine https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/foto-first-lady-ukraine/
03.03.2022 France, AFP Beware, most of the pictures used in this photomontage of Kiev date back from 2015 https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B8R8
03.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama The picture of Zelensky making the nazi salute it’s from a comic performance https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/wolodymyr-selenskyj-hitlergruss/
03.03.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Video of Ukrainians throwing molotov coctails against russian tanks is from 2014 https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/03/video-kiev-citizens-throw-molotov-at-russian-tanks-misinformation/
03.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es What do we know about the video of a tank driving over a car in Ukraine? https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220303/tanque-rusia-atropella-coche-ucrania/
03.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of “Ukrainian civilians” throwing Molotov cocktails at armoured transports is not current: it was taken in 2014 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220303/ucranianos-cocteles-molotov-tanques-rusos/
03.03.2022 Spain, EFE Verifica CNN did not announce the death of the same journalist in the Afghanistan and Ukraine war https://verifica.efe.com/periodista-cnn-no-asesinado-afganistan-ucrania/
03.03.2022 Spain, EFE Verifica The Russian fighter was not shot down by Ukrainians, but by an accident in 1993 https://verifica.efe.com/avion-ruso-no-derribado-ucrania-accidente-aereo/
03.03.2022 Spain, EFE Verifica Not a victim of a gas explosion in 2018, but of a russian attack in 2022 https://verifica.efe.com/victima-gas-ataque-ruso/
03.03.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Old video is not depicting a missile barrage in Ukraine https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/03/video-circulating-online-since-2018-not-recent-footage-ukraine-russia
03.03.2022 Spain, AFP Comprovem Fake social media accounts warned about the “death” of the same man in Afghanistan and Ukraine https://comprovem.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324C28G
03.03.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Is a photograph depicting the destruction of Independence Square in Kiev current? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/fotografia-que-retrata-destruicao-da-praca-da-independencia-em-kiev-e-atual
03.03.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Portuguese government “breaks blockade on Russia” to let in ship with natural gas? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/governo-portugues-fura-bloqueio-a-russia-para-deixar-entrar-navio-com-gas-natural
03.03.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo “Leave my country alone!” Does this video show Ukrainian girl facing Russian soldier? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/deixa-o-meu-pais-em-paz-este-video-mostra-rapariga-ucraniana-a-enfrentar-soldado-russo
03.03.2022 Spain, MALDITA.ES What do we know about this video of alleged Russian soldiers deserting? https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220303/video-soldados-rusos-desertando/
03.03.2022 Poland, Demagog The war in Ukraine is a performance? It is really happening! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-ukrainie-to-spektakl-to-sie-dzieje-naprawde/
03.03.2022 Poland, Demagog This is not a recording of anti-war protests! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/to-nie-jest-nagranie-z-protestow-antywojennych/
03.03.2022 Poland, Demagog Is that a train standing at the station in Lviv? Fake news! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/czy-to-pociag-stojacy-na-stacji-we-lwowie-fake-news/
03.03.2022 Poland, Demagog Russian invasion a conspiracy by global elites? This is a false conspiracy theory! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosyjska-inwazja-spiskiem-swiatowych-elit-to-falszywa-teoria-spiskowa/
03.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of soldiers shooting in a trench with the Nazi flag is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2017 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220303/soldados-disparando-trinchera-bandera-nazi-ucrania/
02.03.2022 Croatia, Provera činjenica This video does not show fake killings of Ukrainians, but an environmental protest in Vienna. https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324A9TY
02.03.2022 Poland, Demagog Allied armies granted ‘police’ permissions? Fake news! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojska-sojusznikow-otrzymaly-policyjne-uprawnienia-fake-news/
02.03.2022 France, AFP Ukraine’s borders are recognized internationally, they did not need to be “declared” to the UN in 1991 https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B2WL
02.03.2022 Spain, EFE Verifica Ukraine’s application to join the EU has not been accepted by the European Parliament https://verifica.efe.com/parlamento-europeo-ucrania-entrada-union-europea-falso/
02.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama No, Ukraine won’t receive 70 combat aircraft from Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/ukraine-keine-kampfjets/
02.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama No, this video of an explosion is not related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and is not current: it is Syria 2019 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220304/video-rusia-ucrania-beirut-libano-explosion/
02.03.2022 Slovakia, AFP Fakty Video showing man with fake blood on face has nothing to do with ongoing war in Ukraine https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32486KH
02.03.2022 Ireland, The Journal – FactCheck Is this footage of the famed Ghost of Kyiv? No, it’s from 2018 https://www.dogrulukpayi.com/dogruluk-kontrolu/ukrayna-askerlerini-selamlayan-cocuklari-gosteren-fotograf-guncel-mi
02.03.2022 Poland, Demagog No, this ‘Time’ magazine cover with Putin turnediInto Hitler isn’t real https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/putin-z-wasem-hitlera-to-nie-jest-oficjalna-okladka-time/
02.03.2022 Italy, Facta News Questa foto di una strada con bandiere naziste non arriva dall’Ucraina, ma dalla Bulgaria https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/03/questa-foto-di-una-strada-con-bandiere-naziste-non-arriva-dallucraina-ma-dalla-bulgaria/
02.03.2022 Spain, Verificat Time cover comparing Putin to Hitler is not the magazine’s original https://www.verificat.cat/es/fact-check/la-portada-de-time-que-compara-putin-con-hitler-no-es-el-original-de-la-revista
02.03.2022 Spain, Verificat The image of Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi and NATO flags is from 2014 https://www.verificat.cat/es/fact-check/la-imagen-de-soldados-ucranianos-con-las-banderas-nazi-y-de-la-otan-es-del-2014
02.03.2022 Italy, Facta.news This picture showing an hugg between an Ukrainian soldier and its girlfriend is from 2014 https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/02/questa-foto-di-un-abbraccio-tra-un-soldato-ucraino-e-la-sua-ragazza-e-del-2014/
02.03.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo “Boycott Russia”. Do the first three digits of the barcode indicate the product’s country of origin? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/boicote-a-russia-os-tres-primeiros-algarismos-do-codigo-de-barras-indicam-pais-de-origem-do-produto
02.03.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Zelensky starred in the killing of corrupt politicians in election campaign video? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/zelensky-protagonizou-matanca-de-politicos-corruptos-em-video-de-campanha-eleitoral
02.03.2022 France, AFP Watch out for this alleged Time magazine cover that depicts Vladimir Putin as Adolf Hitler https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324889M
02.03.2022 France, AFP China ready to support Russia in case of NATO intervention? An untraceable statement denied by the Chinese authorities https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B9HW
02.03.2022 France, AFP This photo of two children saluting Ukrainian soldiers is from 2016 https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32488BY
02.03.2022 France, AFP Beware of these fake Twitter accounts pretending to be the American media CNN https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32486MV
02.03.2022 France, AFP Watch out for these publications about Ukrainian soldiers who died as “heroes” on Snake Island https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B4BB
02.03.2022 Spain, AFP Factual This video does not show Russian tanks attacked in Ukraine in 2022, it is from the protests in Kiev in 2014 https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324C28P
02.03.2022 Germany, AFP Faktencheck This photo shown by “Bild” is currently from Ukraine https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324C2ZD
02.03.2022 Germany, AFP Faktencheck This photo of children with tanks is old https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324C29B
02.03.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes TV series video presented as proof of fake scenes of injured people in Ukraine https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/02/video-with-actors-make-up-invasion-in-ukraine-misinformation/
02.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of a girl confronting a soldier is not current or related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: it happened in 2012 and it is a Palestinian girl https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/nina-enfrentandose-soldado-rusia-ucrania/
02.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this tweet by Santiago Abascal quoting Vladimir Putin is not a “fake”: it is real, but he has deleted it https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/tuit-santiago-abascal-putin-ucrania/
02.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es What do we know about Puigdemont’s vote in mid-February on the European Commission’s proposal to provide financial support to Ukraine? https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/puigdemont-ayuda-financiera-ucrania/
02.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es The disinformation without evidence claiming that President Zelenski has fled Ukraine (as of 1 March 2022) https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/presidente-zelenski-ucrania-huida/
02.03.2022 Bulgaria, AFP Proveri Ukraine’s borders are internationally recognized and do not need to be “registered” with the UN https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32497CV
02.03.2022 Finland, AFP Faktantarkistus Fake CNN accounts spread incorrect information about Ukraine https://faktantarkistus.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324A9G7
02.03.2022 Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek This video does not show the media making victims of war in Ukraine https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324766Y
02.03.2022 Poland, AFP Sprawdzam Latest cover of TIME magazine does not show Putin portrayed as Hitler https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B7BT
02.03.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Movie segments presented as an attack in Ukraine https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/02/staged-video-from-ukraine-showing-citizens-fleeing-from-russian-bombs-fake/
02.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es What do we know about whether the Polish and Ukrainian police and armies are preventing black people from crossing the border? https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/policia-polonia-ucrania-frontera-negros/
02.03.2022 Italy, Facta.news This meeting between Russian and Ukrinian soldiers is from 2014 https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/02/questo-incontro-tra-soldati-russi-e-ucraini-e-del-2014/
02.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama This picture doesn’t show ukrainian soldiers receiving flowers https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/foto-ukrainische-soldaten-blumen/
02.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama Video of a young girl screaming at soldiers: not recorded in Ukraine https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/maedchen-beschimpft-soldaten/
02.03.2022 Norway, Faktisk.no No, Russia is not attacking US biolabs in Ukraine https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0gp8p/nei-russland-angriper-ikke-amerikanske-laboratorier-i-ukraina
02.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video showing a “corpse” being moved has no relation with Ukraine: it was a protest in Austria against climate policies https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/video-cadaver-bolsa-ucrania/
02.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, the man dressed as a samurai in this photo is not the Japanese ambassador in Kiev (Ukraine) https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/embajador-japon-kiev-samurai/
02.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of “Ukrainian soldiers saying goodbye to their wives to go and defend Ukraine” is not current: it is a scene from a 2017 documentary about the Donbas war https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/soldados-ucranianos-despidiendose-esposas-ucrania/
02.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es The disinformation without evidence claiming that China’s Ministry of Defence says it is “ready to support Russia” in case the US and NATO “want to intervene militarily” https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/china-apoyar-rusia/
01.03.2022 Croatia, Provera činjenica Fake Twitter accounts have been presented as CNN to share inaccurate information. https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324879N
01.03.2022 Croatia, Provera činjenica This video does not show a general panic in Ukraine but shows the shooting of a film in 2013. https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32473VZ
01.03.2022 Poland, AFP Sprawdzam Video does not show Ukrainians attacking Russian APC with Molotov cocktails during ongoing war https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32492MP
01.03.2022 Italy, Facta.news Putin never said that he doesn’t accept any lessons from Italy because of the Eu Covid certificate https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/01/putin-non-ha-mai-detto-di-non-accettare-lezioni-di-democrazia-dallitalia-a-causa-del-green-pass/
01.03.2022 Italy, Facta.news This woman didn’t survive during an exposion in 2018 https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/01/questa-foto-non-mostra-una-donna-sopravvissuta-a-unesplosione-di-gas-nel-2018/
01.03.2022 Italy, Facta.news Fake CNN tweet falsely reports first US casualty in Ukraine https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/01/la-cnn-non-ha-twittato-il-decesso-del-giornalista-bernie-gores/
01.03.2022 Italy, Facta.news This image doesn’t show an Ukrainian children in front of a Russian solder https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/01/questa-non-e-una-bambina-ucraina-contro-un-soldato-russo/
01.03.2022 Italy, Facta.news No US biological laboratories in Ukraine https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/01/no-in-ucraina-non-ci-sono-laboratori-biomilitari-gestiti-dagli-stati-uniti/
01.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama This Time magazine cover isn’t real https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/time-magazin-putin-hitler-cover/
01.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama No, Ukrainian armed forces are not using wood-guns https://www.mimikama.at/aktuelles/ukraine-holzgewehre/
01.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama Witalij Klitschko is fighting at the front? No the picture is old https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/klitschko-in-kampfmontur/
01.03.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Does Ukraine have more than a dozen US-funded biological weapons laboratories financed by the US? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/ucrania-tem-mais-de-uma-dezena-de-laboratorios-de-armas-biologicas-financiados-pelos-eua
01.03.2022 Romania, Verificat A video from the 2014 Euromaidan protests falsely claims to show Kyiv citizens attacking Russian tanks in 2022 hhttps://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32476EV
01.03.2022 France, AFP Factuel This video claiming to show a plane in the middle of shootings in Ukraine comes from a video game https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32474DU
01.03.2022 France, AFP Factuel No, France has not sent 500 soldiers to Ukraine so far https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32488M4
01.03.2022 Austria, Mimikama Running actors in Ukraine? No! https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/rennende-schauspieler-ukraine/
01.03.2022 Hungary, Ténykérdés Fake Twitter accounts spread fake news in the name of CNN https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32487W3
01.03.2022 Netherlands, Factcheck Nederland Fake accounts on Twitter impersonate CNN to spread false news https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32487A6
01.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this tweet about Putin is not from the president of the Principality of Asturias, Adrián Barbón: it is a fake tweet https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220301/tuit-putin-adrian-barbon/
01.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es Snake Island and the alleged sacrifice of the Ukrainian military: a history of disinformation https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220301/isla-serpientes-ucrania/
01.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es What do we know about the video of the explosion next to an administrative building in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov? https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220301/bomba-jarkov-ucrania-video-edificio/
01.03.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Does Ukraine have more than a dozen US-funded bioweapons labs? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/ucrania-tem-mais-de-uma-dezena-de-laboratorios-de-armas-biologicas-financiados-pelos-eua
01.03.2022 Poland, Demagog CNN informed twice time about the death of a journalist? Fake Tweet! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/cnn-poinformowalo-dwa-razy-o-smierci-dziennikarza-falszywy-tweet/
01.03.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this image of a woman in military uniform is not the wife of Ukraine’s President Volodymir Zelensky, nor is it current: it is from August 2021 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220301/mujer-uniforme-militar-mujer-presidente-ucrania/
28.02.2022 Croatia, Provera činjenica This video does not show fake Ukrainian civilian victims of the war, it was made during the filming of the TV series. https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324699Q
28.02.2022 Poland, AFP Sprawdzam Video does not show Ukrainian drone blowing up Russian vehicles during ongoing war https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32476HD
28.02.2022 Poland, AFP Sprawdzam Video does not show Ukrainian children waving goodbye to soldier going off to fight in ongoing war https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32472LD
28.02.2022 Poland, AFP Sprawdzam Photo does not show Ukrainians praying for peace duing ongoing Russian invasion https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32467AG
28.02.2022 Poland, AFP Sprawdzam Video does not show ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32467AG
28.02.2022 Czech Republic, Na pravou míru This video shows an American city destroyed by a tornado, not the war in Ukraine https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32476B7
28.02.2022 Bulgaria, Proveri This photo does not show the Japanese ambassador in Kiev ready to fight for Ukraine https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.3246964
28.02.2022 Norway, Faktisk This is Putin’s propaganda war https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0qk8x/slik-er-putins-propagandakrig
28.02.2022 Austria, Mimikama Potassium iodide hysteria: be careful! https://www.mimikama.at/aktuelles/kaliumiodid-hysterie-vorsicht/
28.02.2022 Austria, Mimikama Fake CNN account spreads fake news about the death of a US activist https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/cnn-fake-tod-aktivist/
28.02.2022 Austria, Mimikama No, Steven Seagal is not fighting for Putin against Ukraine! https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/steven-seagal-ukraine/
28.02.2022 Germany, Correctiv No, this picture does not show a Russian jet shot down by Ukraine – it is from 1993 https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/28/nein-dieses-bild-zeigt-keinen-von-der-ukraine-abgeschossenen-russischen-jet-es-stammt-von-1993/
28.02.2022 Slovakia, Fakty The video doesn’t show Russia’s airstrike on Ukraine, it depicts a fly-past from 2020 https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32474FW
28.02.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Viral video shows “big explosion” in Ukraine after another Russian airstrike? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-viral-mostra-grande-explosao-na-ucrania-apos-mais-um-ataque-aereo-da-russia
28.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es NNo, this is not actors simulating the war that Russia has started against Ukraine: it is a video of a military-historical festival held in Russia https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/video-actores-crisis-ucrania/
28.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of a demonstration where Ukrainian flags wave while the country’s anthem plays is not recorded in 2014: it is from February 23, 2022 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/concentracion-banderas-ucrania-himno/
28.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es What do we know about the statements of the mayor of Kiev stating that they cannot evacuate civilians because “all exits are blocked”? https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/alcalde-kiev-ciudad-bloqueada/
28.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news This Time magazine cover isn’t real https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/02/28/no-il-time-non-ha-pubblicato-questa-copertina-con-putin-e-hitler/
28.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news A (fake) typo from la Repubblica https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/02/28/la-repubblica-non-ha-pubblicato-questo-refuso-sui-lanciarazzi-inviati-dalla-germania/
28.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news This isn’t a video from Ukraine, it’s a film shooting https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/28/questo-video-non-e-stato-girato-dallucraina-per-manipolare-lopinione-pubblica-sono-le-riprese-di-un-film/
28.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Older photographs of Volodymyr Zelensky in military uniform presented as recent https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/27/volodymyr-zelenskyy-photos-with-military-uniform-from-2022-rusia-invasion-to-ukraine-misinforma
28.02.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Video from TikTok shows Russian fighter jets bombing Ukrainian city? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-com-origem-no-tiktok-mostra-cacas-russos-a-bombardearem-cidade-ucraniana
28.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this CNN tweet reporting that an American activist has been killed in Russia’s attacks on Ukraine is not real https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/tuit-cnn-bernie-gores-muerte-ucrania-rusia/
28.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es The hoax that CNN has announced the death of the same journalist in Afghanistan and now in Russia’s attack on Ukraine https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/cnn-periodista-bernie-gores-afganistan-ucrania/
28.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of Putin threatening Spain is not real: the subtitles are false and its author has described it as humorouse https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/video-putin-amenazando-espana/
27.02.2022 Poland, Demagog Children salute the tankers? The photo is from 2016 https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zdjecie-dzieci-ktore-salutuja-czolgistom-fotografia-jest-z-2016-roku/
27.02.2022 Austria, Mimikama old photo (2016) of children saluting ukrainian tanks https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/kinder-ukrainische-panzer/
27.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Older photographs of Volodymyr Zelensky in military uniform presented as recent https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/27/volodymyr-zelenskyy-photos-with-military-uniform-from-2022-rusia-invasion-to-ukraine-misinforma
27.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes This picture does’t show Russian paratroopers in Kiev https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/27/photo-shows-russian-paratrooters-fake/
27.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Russian planes over Ukraine misinformation https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/27/russian-planes-over-ukraine-video-misinformation/
27.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es This video is not a montage filmed in Ukraine during Russia invasion: it was filmed in Birmingham in 2013 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220227/montaje-bombardeo-rusia-birmingham/
27.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es These pictures of a Russian tank with a Soviet flag are not false https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220227/tanque-rusia-bandera-union-sovietica/
27.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es This video of an alleged Russian attack on Ukraine’s defence is not recent: it’s been circulating since at least 2018 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220227/video-ataque-ruso-defensa-ucrania/
27.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, This ‘Time’ Magazine Cover With Putin Turned Into Hitler isn’t Real https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220227/revista-time-putin-hitler/
27.02.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Is this image showing Ukrainians praying in the snow related to the current Russian invasion? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/imagem-que-mostra-ucranianos-a-rezar-na-neve-esta-relacionada-com-a-invasao-russa-atual
27.02.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Was the state of Ukraine the top donor to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/estado-da-ucrania-foi-o-principal-doador-da-campanha-presidencial-de-hillary-clinton-em-2016
26.02.2022 Austria, Mimikama it’s false that the photo of the wounded ukrainian woman it’s a fake. https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/luftangriff-keine-gasexplosion/
26.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es What do we know about the content and rumors claiming that President Zelenski has fled Ukraine? They provide no evidence and the Ukrainian government denies it. https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220226/presidente-zelenski-ucrania-huida/
26.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this father is not saying goodbye to his daughter to “fight against Russia”: it was filmed in Donetsk, that population was evacuated to Russia and the video predates the Russian aggression against Ukraine. https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220226/padre-llora-hija-evacuacion-ucrania-rusia/
26.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this woman was not the victim of a gas explosion that occurred in a building in 2018: she was injured at the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220226/mujer-herida-2018-rusia-ucrania/
26.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Not true that Ukraine has not officially registered its borders with the UN, so it remains a province of the USSR and consequently of Russia https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/26/ukraine-has-not-officially-registered-its-borderds-and-thus-is-part-of-russia-fake-news/
26.02.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Does this image portray the president of Ukraine in military uniform in the ongoing war against Russia? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/esta-imagem-retrata-o-presidente-da-ucrania-com-farda-militar-na-guerra-em-curso-frente-a-russia
26.02.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo President of the Republic issued a warning about the danger of cyberattacks from Russia and China? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/presidente-da-republica-emitiu-alerta-sobre-perigo-de-ciberataques-da-russia-e-china
26.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes This footage do not show shelters in Kiev but an accident in the subway of Rome in 2018 https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/26/news-channel-footage-showing-ukrainian-citizens-searching-for-cover-in-metro-station-fake-news/
25.02.2022 Croatia, Provera činjenica This video does not show the Russian bombing of Ukraine, it is a digital design published months ago. https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323W88U
25.02.2022 Croatia, Provera činjenica This paratroopers video was released in 2014 and has nothing to do with the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022. https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323W9YA
25.02.2022 Norway, Faktisk Russia spreads disinformation through large networks https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z41xo/russland-sprer-desinformasjon-ved-hjelp-av-store-nettverk
25.02.2022 France, AFP Beware of the use of metadata from Vladimir Putin’s speech announcing the invasion of Ukraine https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U8YG
25.02.2022 Germany, Correctiv Ukraine: Disinformation around the bombing of a kindergarten in Luhansk https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/ukraine-desinformation-rund-um-bombardierung-eines-kindergartens-in-luhansk/
25.02.2022 Germany, Correctiv Videos of air strikes on Ivano-Frankivsk military airport are authentic https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/videos-von-luftangriffen-auf-den-militaerflughafen-iwano-frankiwsk-sind-authentisch/
25.02.2022 Germany, Correctiv War in Ukraine: Yes, this picture is up-to-date and shows the consequences of a suspected Russian missile attack https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/krieg-in-der-ukraine-doch-dieses-bild-ist-aktuell-und-zeigt-die-folgen-eines-mutmasslich-russischen-raketenangriffs/
25.02.2022 Germany, Correctiv Bild-TV used wrong videos in report on Russia-Ukraine war, but corrected its mistake https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/bild-tv-nutzte-in-bericht-ueber-russland-ukraine-krieg-falsche-videos-hat-den-fehler-aber-korrigiert/
25.02.2022 Hungary, Ténykérdés This video of paratroopers is from several years ago and does not show the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022 https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323X2DV
25.02.2022 Hungary, Ténykérdés This footage was made in a military simulation video game and does not show the Russian invasion of Ukraine https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323X37K
25.02.2022 Bulgaria, Proveri This video of an airstrike was published years ago and has nothing to do with Russia attacking Ukraine in 2022 https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323W8YP
25.02.2022 Netherlands, Factcheck Nederland These old videos do not show a Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022 https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323X3XL
25.02.2022 Romania, Verificat These scenes are from a promotional video for a video game, not the Russian attack on Ukraine https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323X38Q
25.02.2022 Romania, Verificat This video of parachuting of troops was published years ago and is not about the 2022 Russian attack on Ukraine https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323X2N4
25.02.2022 Austria, Mimikama false images and videos used by mainstream media https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/ukraine-krise-falsche-videos/
25.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news Putin did not ban Rothschilds from Russia https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/02/25/no-putin-non-ha-vietato-ai-rothschild-di-entrare-nel-territorio-russo/
25.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news This picture isn’t from 2015 https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/02/25/la-foto-dellesplosione-allaeroporto-di-kiev-non-risale-al-2015/
25.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news These are not Russian paratroopers landing near the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv hhttps://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/questi-non-sono-centinaia-di-paracadutisti-russi-che-invadono-lucraina/
25.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news These isn’t a real video, it’s a videogame https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/questo-video-non-mostra-un-attacco-antiaereo-ucraino-e-un-videogioco/
25.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news This airplain wasn’t shot down in Ukraine https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/questa-foto-non-mostra-un-aereo-russo-abbattuto-in-ucraina/
25.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news RaiNews24 broadcasted a Chinese video instead an Ukrainian one https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/rai-news-24-ha-trasmesso-unesplosione-avvenuta-a-tianjin-cina-per-illustrare-la-crisi-tra-russia-e-ucraina/
25.02.2022 Lithuania, Delfi Footage first showed in arabic Facebook page on 2020 of a soldier hugging his partner with a baby described as happening now, during Russia-Ukraine conflict https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/jausminga-kareivio-atsisveikinancio-su-seima-akimirka-nera-susijusi-su-siuo-metu-ukrainoje-vykstanciu-karu.d?id=89557087
25.02.2022 Lithuania, Delfi FB post saying that Ukraine is not a legit country, nation because it was not able to fix some documentation on UN https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/skleidzia-mela-esa-ukraina-nera-tauta-nes-nesusitvarke-dokumentu-jto.d?id=89559265
25.02.2022 Lithuania, Delfi Photo from demolished building in Kharkiv region, Ukraine on feb. 24 captioned as gas explosion in Magnitogorsk, Russia on 2018 https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/rusijos-ukrainos-kara-neigiantys-melagienu-skleidejai-tikina-kad-sprogimo-paliestas-pastatas-buvo-nufotografuotas-2018-m.d?id=89560655
25.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Misleading photo of a Ukrainian father who joined the army and burst into tears as he bids farewell to his family https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/25/ochi-o-andras-den-apochaireta-tin-kori-tou-gia-na-polemisei-enantion-tis-rosias/
25.02.2022 Poland, Demagog Ukraine didn’t register its borders in the UN? Propagandistic claim! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraina-nie-zarejestrowala-swoich-granic-w-onz-propagandowy-przekaz/
25.02.2022 Poland, Demagog Video depicts Russian attack on Mariupol? No, the video is older! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/film-przedstawia-rosyjski-atak-na-mariupol-nie-to-wideo-jest-starsze/
25.02.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Did CNN report that Bolsonaro avoided “World War 3” by convincing Putin to back down? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/cnn-noticiou-que-bolsonaro-evitou-a-3-a-guerra-mundial-ao-convencer-putin-a-recuar
25.02.2022 Portugal, Polígrafo Video posted on Twitter shows “Russian warplanes” firing on Ukrainian civilians? https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-difundido-no-twitter-mostra-avioes-de-guerra-da-russia-a-dispararem-contra-civis-ucranianos
25.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news This video does not show a Russian plane shot down by Ukraine https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/questo-video-non-mostra-un-caccia-russo-abbattuto-dalla-contraerea-ucraina/
25.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video is not of a paratrooper “invading Ukraine” during the current Russian attack: it has been circulating since at least 2015 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/paracaidista-invadiendo-ucrania-rusia/
25.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of an explosion is not of a Russian attack on Ukraine: it was recorded in Beirut (Lebanon) in 2020 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/explosion-ataque-rusia-ucrania-beirut/
25.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video allegedly showing “Ukrainian soldiers fallen in battle on the outskirts of Kiev” is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2015 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/video-soldados-ucranianos-kiev/
25.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of riot police refusing to “go against their people” in Ukraine is not current: it is from 2014 hhttps://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/policias-odessa-ucrania-escudos/
25.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this photo of two children waving to Ukrainian soldiers is not current: it has been circulating for years https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/no-esta-foto-de-dos-ninos-saludando-a-unos-soldados-ucranianos-no-es-actual-circula-desde/
25.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news This photo doesn’t show a russian airplain https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/questa-foto-non-mostra-un-aereo-russo-abbattuto-in-ucraina/
25.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news RaiNews24 broadcasted a Chinese video instead an Ukrainian one https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/rai-news-24-ha-trasmesso-unesplosione-avvenuta-a-tianjin-cina-per-illustrare-la-crisi-tra-russia-e-ucraina/
25.02.2022 Poland, Demagog Witalij Klitschko is fighting at the front? This photo is from a year ago! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/witalij-kliczko-walczy-na-froncie-to-zdjecie-pochodzi-sprzed-roku/
25.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this photo of an injured girl is not from the conflict in Ukraine: it is from Palestine in 2021 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/nina-herida-ucrania-rusia-foto/
25.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, these images of bombings are not related to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: they are photos taken in Gaza (Palestine) in 2018 and 2021 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/fotos-bombardeos-rusia-ucrania-gaza/
24.02.2022 Ireland, The Journal – FactCheck Disinformation, Ukraine and the war of words on social media https://www.thejournal.ie/false-news-about-ukraine-conflict-5692894-Feb2022/
24.02.2022 Romania, Verificat This video is old, not from the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U6WP
24.02.2022 Norway, Faktisk How to assess information about the war in Ukraine https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z826l/slik-vurderer-du-informasjon-om-krigen-i-ukraina
24.02.2022 France, AFP Caution with this video claiming to show Russian planes in the Ukrainian sky https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U2KR
24.02.2022 France, AFP This video shows missiles targeting Israel in 2021, not Russian strikes on Ukraine https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U3J8
24.02.2022 Hungary, Ténykérdés This video is old and has nothing to do with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U4HA
24.02.2022 Austria, Mimikama false images and videos about Ukraine https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/videos-aus-ukraine-hybrid-fakes/
24.02.2022 Germany, Correctiv False claim that the pictures of the bombing of a community building in Chuhuiv are from a gas explosion in 2018 https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/krieg-in-der-ukraine-doch-dieses-bild-ist-aktuell-und-zeigt-die-folgen-eines-mutmasslich-russischen-raketenangriffs/
24.02.2022 Germany, Correctiv False claim that the attack on the airport in Ivano-Frankivsk were a false flag https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/videos-von-luftangriffen-auf-den-militaerflughafen-iwano-frankiwsk-sind-authentisch/
24.02.2022 Germany, Correctiv True claim that the German tabloid BILD used false video footage in a report about the war, indeed the videos were several years old – the medium publicly apologized and corrected the error https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/bild-tv-nutzte-in-bericht-ueber-russland-ukraine-krieg-falsche-videos-hat-den-fehler-aber-korrigiert/
24.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news No, a nuclear waste storage facility in Chernobyl wasn’t destroyed https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/02/24/no-le-forze-armate-russe-non-hanno-distrutto-un-impianto-di-stoccaggio-di-scorie-nucleari-a-chernobyl/
24.02.2022 Lithuania, Delfi Lithuanias Minister of Foreign Affairs didn’t ask to start invasion in Russia https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/bando-sudominti-klaidinga-antraste-gabrielius-landsbergis-to-nesake.d?id=89541709
24.02.2022 Lithuania, Delfi Footage from videogame used as depiction of Russia – Ukraine conflict https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/vaizdo-zaidimo-kadrus-melagingai-susiejo-su-ivykiais-ukrainoje.d?id=89548199
24.02.2022 Spain, Newtral No, this video does not show a Russian fighter shot down by Ukraine: it is Libya in 2011 https://www.newtral.es/avion-ruso-derribado-conflicto-ucrania/20220224/
24.02.2022 Spain, Newtral The video of Russian paratroopers attributed to the attack on Ukraine that is not recent https://www.newtral.es/paracaidistas-rusos-conflicto-rusia-ucrania/20220224/
24.02.2022 Spain, Newtral The video of 2021 in Gaza that is shared as if it were a Russian bombing of Ukraine https://www.newtral.es/video-bombardeo-ucrania/20220224/
24.02.2022 Spain, Newtral The subtitles of the video that do not correspond to the words of Joe Biden on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine https://www.newtral.es/subtitulos-video-biden/20220224/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of an explosion is not from the Ukraine bombing: it has been circulating since 2015 in connection with an explosion in China https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/explosion-bombardeo-ucrania/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this photo is not from Russia’s current bombing of Ukraine: it has been circulating since at least 2021 in connection with Gaza (Palestine) https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/foto-bombardeo-rusia-ucrania-gaza/
24.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes No evidence that Putin’s war declaragtion speech pre-recorded https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/24/den-yparchoun-apodeixeis-oti-o-vlantimir-poutin-eiche-magnitoskopisei-noritera-tin-omilia-kiryxis-polemou/
24.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes A fake photo circulating online, claims that Russia “liberated” Kharkiv https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/24/phto-russian-flag-kharkiv-2014/
24.02.2022 Poland, Demagog “Imaginary” war in Ukraine? Fake news! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wyimaginowana-wojna-na-ukrainie-fake-news/
24.02.2022 Poland, Demagog Photo of Russian fighter shot by Ukraine? Photo is old! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zdjecie-zestrzelonego-rosyjskiego-samolotu-fotografia-jest-stara/
24.02.2022 Poland, Demagog Russian fighters in Kharkiv? Old footage! https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/samoloty-szturmowe-w-charkowie-to-stare-nagranie/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of an explosion is not from a Russian attack on Ukraine on February 24: it has been circulating, at least, since the end of January https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/explosion-ataque-rusia-ucrania-24-febrero/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this photograph of people praying in Ukraine is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2019 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/personas-rezando-ucrania-rusia-2019/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video is not of “Russian warplanes” shooting civilians in Ukraine: it was recorded in Turkey in 2016 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/aviones-guerra-rusia-ucrania/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es There is no evidence that the video of Putin announcing a bombing attack on Ukraine was recorded on Monday, February 21 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/video-putin-bombardeo-ucrania-lunes/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video is not of a Russian attack on Ukraine: it is of explosions in an industrial zone in Tianjin (China) in 2015 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/video-ataque-rusia-ucrania-china/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video is not from “Russia at war with Ukraine”: it is a simulation of a video game https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/video-rusia-guerra-ucrania-simulacion/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video of a missile launch is not recorded in Ukraine and is not related to the current situation: it was recorded in May 2021 and is from the conflict between Palestine and Israel https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/video-misiles-ucrania-2021/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video is not from the campaign of Volodímir Zelenski, president of Ukraine: it is a scene from a series in which he was the protagonist https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/video-campana-zelenski-ucrania/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this photograph of a young woman carrying a gun on a bus is not current or related to the military crisis between Russia and Ukraine https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/joven-arma-autobus-ucrania-rusia/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show Russian Paratroopers Landing in Ukraine https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/ucrania-despues-inicio-ataque-rusas/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this photo of a Russian flag being placed on a public building in Ukraine is not current: it is from 2014 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/bandera-rusa-edificio-ucrania/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video is not current or from Ukraine: it is from a rehearsal of a military parade recorded in Russia in May 2020 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/ucrania-despues-inicio-ataque-rusas/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video does not show Russian paratroopers landing in Ukraine during the current conflict: it has been circulating at least since 2016 linked to the Russian city of Rostov https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/paracaidistas-rusos-aterrizando-ucrania-conflicto/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video is not of a gas explosion in the Russian city of Magnitogorsk in 2018: it was recorded in Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/ucrania-rusia-magnitogorsk-explosion-2018/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es Disinformation claiming that “North Korea just sent troops to Ukraine in support of Russia” https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/corea-norte-tropas-ucrania-apoyo-rusia/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this photograph of a burning plane in the air is neither current nor related to the situation in Ukraine: it has been circulating for years in connection with an accident in 1993. https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/avion-llamas-ucrania/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this photograph of people putting up a flag on a public building un Ukraine is not current: it was taken in 2014 https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/bandera-rusa-edificio-ucrania/
24.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes Two Greeks were not killed by Ukranian soldiers because they had pro-Russian sentiments https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/15/incident-with-two-dead-in-ukraine-misinformation/
24.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes A video that shows Russian paratroopers landing in Kharkov it’s from previous exercitation https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/24/video-of-russian-paratroopers-from-operations-in-ukraine-2022-misinformation/
24.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news No, this video is not about Ukraine’s crisis, it’s from a parade in 2020 https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/24/questo-video-non-centra-con-la-crisi-russia-ucraina-e-una-parata-militare-del-2020/
24.02.2022 Germany, Correctiv Video of saboteurs who wanted to blast a chlorine tank in Donezk – probably manipulated https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/23/ukraine-video-angeblicher-saboteure-die-einen-anschlag-in-der-region-donezk-planten-ist-laut-metadaten-manipuliert/
24.02.2022 Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes, No, this video does not show an F-22 Raptor engaging an anti-aircraft defense system in Ukraine https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/24/video-on-facebook-shows-f22-fighting-ukraine-anti-aircraft-weapon-system-fake/
24.02.2022 France, AFP Factuel Beware of this video claiming to show Russian planes in the Ukrainian sky https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U2KR
24.02.2022 France, AFP Factuel This video shows missiles targeting Israel in 2021, not Russian fire against Ukraine https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U3J8
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, Biden does not claim in this video that the US would attack Russia for invading Ukraine: the subtitles are false https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/biden-eeuu-ataque-rusia-ucrania/
24.02.2022 Spain, Maldita.es No, this video is not of the destruction of Russian military equipment by the Ukrainian Army: it was filmed in 2020 in Syria https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/no-este-video-no-es-de-la-destruccion-de-equipamiento-militar-ruso-por-parte-del-ejercito-ucraniano-se-grabo-el-2020-en-siria/
24.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news Russia-Ukraine, Tg2 broadcasted a videogame and an old parade as videos of the current situation https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/24/no-questo-video-non-mostra-i-primi-attacchi-russi-in-ucraina/
24.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news Video shows lightning not Russia invasion of Ukraine https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/24/russia-ucraina-nel-suo-servizio-il-tg2-ha-trasmesso-un-videogioco-e-una-parata-del-2020/
24.02.2022 Germany, Correctiv Russian ministry of defense said they are not attacking Ukrainian cities, no danger for civilians – several reports e.g. from the cities Uman and Chuhuiv are evidence of the opposite https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/24/doch-die-russischen-angriffe-bedrohen-auch-ukrainische-zivilisten-und-staedte/
24.02.2022 Italy, Facta.news This picture with a Russian flag it’s not about the ongoing attack, it’s from 2014 https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/24/questa-foto-non-centra-con-lattacco-russo-allucraina-e-del-2014/
Photo by Ansa




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